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Flying Horse

Royal Lager

The Champagne of Indian Beers

Superior malt, aromatic hops, yeast, and crystal clear water are transformed by the skill of the Brewmaster into a beer that is fit for the connoisseur in you. One sip and the lightly bitter apple skin, and malt meld with the herbs that gently surface and add an interesting, remarkably dry after taste of a subtle alcohol spice to the mouthfeel. This gives Flying Horse its smooth, light-bodied silky finish which makes this a supremely drinkable lager.

Full Bodied Malt

Flying Horse goes through a long and complex maturing process that gives the beer its full-bodied malty taste. Only then can it be crowned as a truly Royal Lager. Ideally, Flying Horse is best when chilled to between 46° to 50°.

The Legend of the Flying Horse